
They are everywhere!!

Okay, so I was searching for some article about healthy life and how to get a whiter teeth. So I went to some site which bringing me to some more other site. So I have a list of top popular site showing on how to get a whiter teeth. So I click on top three of them in the new tab. The first one is kind of weird. No tips on how to get a whiter teeth. So I click on the second one, and get this
message: Site are hacked?!! Hmm.. it was hacked to convert a message??

*** SeCuR!TY L!0NS H4CK3RS ***


[+] Hacked By SeCuR!TY DR@G0N "SeCuR!TY L!0NS H4CK3RS"
[-] SeCuR!TY L!0NS H4CK3RS Members : SeCuR!TY DR@G0N    W0lF H4CK3RS    SyR!4N F0X
[-] CONTACT : Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Sec.Lions
              SeCuR!TY DR@G0N : DGN@hotmail.it
              W0lF H4CK3RS    : o_0_h@hotmail.com

[-] Greetz 2 : M7mmad Albadi Al-Assad , G0lD E4GLE , Saftly W0lF , 3li 7affez , Sea The Soul , Haneen Al-Asad , Ran Moon , Sam Fidel Alassad.. , Xmatrix Fox..

[+] We ARE SYR!4N H4CK3RS .
[+] We Hack This Site To Convert Message From Syria
[-] Message :
for every one who claims and says that there are peaceful demonstration, believes in falsifictions and incredible lies al jazeera channel ..
we are here to say : may you could spilled blood of our noble martyrs army . security forces
[+] We ARE SYR!4N H4CK3RS .
[+] We Hack This Site To Convert Message From Syria
[-] Message :
for every one who claims and says that there are peaceful demonstration, believes in falsifictions and incredible lies al jazeera channel ..
we are here to say : may you could spilled blood of our noble martyrs army . security forces and civilians , but you will never kill our love ,supporting , and allegince against our country and our president BASHAR AL-ASSAD ...
finally, for the bets who are betting on steadifatness of syria, its national cohesion, which is characterized by the syrian people in all different sects and for people who wanted to overthroing al - assad regime ...


Okay.. Anyway, I don't want to get any problem with this message. I have nothing to do with this message. And it don't makes my teeth turns whiter. So then the third site had some tips, telling me to put some salt and crushed coal on my teeth.. -_-

P/S: If you want the link of the site, here it is ==> >>> SeCuR!TY DR@G0N SeCuR!TY L!0NS H4CK3RS .. It's the "new" title of the site..

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