
Reading in mobile phone

So this is how it would looks like if I read a manga in mobile phones. I have to finished 5 chapter, but in one chapter got more than 100 pages... Oh My..

Chapter no.2 out of 5, 132 pages to go, with 2 battery bar left.
Haha.. It would be a nightmare for me to read such stuff.. The screen are too small, and it's takes times to load.. Sometime I had accidentally
clicked on the previous pages which takes some time for me to read it all over again. But the worse is when I have accidentally clicked the 'Back to Series Page' link, without knowing which chapter, page, or part I have read. So I have finally manage to read the whole manga without crying myself to sleep if the battery had died. Owh yeah!!! I'm taking this on my flickr account, because my computer cannot stores anything now. It's broke down.. Owh yeah, have I told you about the Zombie games? Haha.. I don't really know what does the games function, and it is hard to played. The location is so much big, and lots of mission to be done. Yeah, and lots of lots of lots of zombie to be killed. But the weird is, I'm starting to get addicts to this game.. I'm even playing is right now.. I don't know why.. -_- Well, I'm off to go, zombie might have eat me...
Hey, can you see something written Zombie Pandemic below this site? Hehe.. that's me.. Gosh.. I am a loony..

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